Gospel Vinyl Gold was born out of a love for the history and heritage of Southern Gospel Music. At the heart of the program is the extensive vinyl record library preserved from KWFC radio, 89.1FM in Springfield, Missouri. Since its start in 1969, the station amassed an impressive collection of Southern Gospel single 45’s, cassettes, CDs, and of course the LPs – thousands of them! While significant, the collection is not complete, and is now privately owned and continues to expand.
The purpose of GVG is more than simply preserving the heritage of this golden era of gospel music, but to provoke great memories in all who enjoyed this music “the first time around”! The stories and content shared in the show have been passed down, so artist and listener feedback is encouraged.

I was hooked from the first moment I heard a gospel quartet. The Inspirations came to Blue Ridge Baptist Temple in Kansas City, Missouri when I was a teenager. In college a short while later I attended a Cathedral Quartet concert and Southern Gospel Music became my official musical first love! I began working at KWFC in Fall of 1984, and have been involved with the station in some capacity ever since, becoming Station Manager in 2009. The record library was my favorite part of the “tour” any time we had guests. KWFC was started and owned by Baptist Bible College in Springfield since April 1969, and later purchased by the RTN Radio Network of Lakeland, Florida in January 2015. By that time, most of the classic songs of interest in the genre were already digitally captured and current singles from the artists were digitally delivered. There was little interest in obtaining the album library as part of the material purchase of the station. There was, however, interest in my heart to preserve the collection. To date, I still don’t know the exact number of albums, singles, CDs, and cassettes that were packed in the hundreds of boxes that now occupy my home studio. I do know this… that I as I inventory and catalog the collection, it is my joy to share and reminisce with you over the music we all fell in love with at 33 ⅓ rounds per minute. Gospel Vinyl Gold is my pursuit of God’s purposes in granting me possession of this incredible library, and it is my contribution to the Southern Gospel community that I love.